‭+1 (980) 243-0032
710 E Catawba St, Belmont, NC


Advancing Player And Team Development



Who is a Kinetic Drive Instructor?

  • An instructor that has most likely sacrificed a lot to provide an important service for growing athletes.
  • A past collegiate or MLB player that shares experience with growing athletes.
  • Already or is looking to adopt the latest in technology and techniques to produce data-driven results during your lessons.
  • An instructor looking to provide a comprehensive program for your ball players.
  • An instructor that is looking to become part of a team of instructors, rather than a one-man show.
  • An instructor that would look forward to learning today’s elite techniques and technology in order to share with growing ball players.
  • An instructor looking to provide real data to families that invest into their youth players current sports interests and future.
  • An instructor that sees value in adding a full-time staff of data analysts to your services that work for and provide you valuable information in an easy to use format.

What is a Kinetic Drive Instructor?

  • An instructor that has taken their knowledge and experience and married it to provide an elite instruction experience for your lessons.
  • An instructor that can honestly and fanatically recommend having an off-season program without worrying about reducing your book because it is better for the ball player.
  • An instructor that will recommend you don’t go overboard with travel tournaments chasing data, because the Kinetic Drive program provides you valuable data those colleges and scouts are looking for.
  • An instructor that will recommend your family go have a date night while you are continuously improving. Your Instructor-based data-driven reports will be highly looked forward to by the family and player.
  • An instructor that knows each player is unique and meets them where they are, establishes Kinetic Drive goals, tracks, manages and reviews progress of the goals based on data-driven results.
  • An instructor that has a lesson plan and year-round Kinetic Drive program that guarantees continuous improvement of the athlete and ball player.
  • An instructor that has been certified in today’s elite technologies and training techniques. A highly sought-after instructor that is an asset to your ball player and community.
  • An instructor that understands it is as important to develop well-rounded athletes on and off the field.

Why should you be a Kinetic Drive Instructor?

  • Because you have fought the good fight as a one person show and have the opportunity to expand your capabilities to train and mentor your ball players.
  • Because you want to be able to have an easy to use scheduling app for your lessons and families to use.
  • Because you want to provide additional value-added resource for your players and families to attend such as Kinetic Drive Classes, Kinetic Drive Camps, Kinetic Drive Showcases and Kinetic Drive Community Events.
  • Because you’ve been chasing lessons and there has got to be a better way.
  • Because doing it all by yourself just isn’t working.
  • Because you want to incorporate the best technology and a team of instruction professionals to your career and life.
  • Because this is exactly what you have been wanting to provide your lessons and ball players.

How to become a Kinetic Drive Instructor:

Schedule a consultation with a Kinetic Drive consultant. As an instructor you’ll get a consultation with a KD consultant, meet our chief instructing officer and other instructors that have worn the same paths as you. Are you ready to become fanatical about providing information and resources to continuously improve your lessons and ball players?
Start the conversation today.

Purpose. Technology. Analytics. Applied.


Kinetic Drive partners with baseball and softball athletes and their families, instructors, coaches, teams and training facilities to provide the best experience and technology available.

Contact Info

+1 704-651-6126‬