Devin Phillips is an exceptional athlete. Kinetic Drive (KD) loves to train and be part of Devin’s success on the field and in life. Devin is actively training in the KD Player Development Program. Whether he has been with us at the YMCA training with Coach Cody Clark (Performance Improvement) and Coach Zach Adams to better his athleticism and his movements, or has been at the KD Performance Training Center training with Coach Troy Herterick to perfect his swing and fielding prowess, he is always eager to improve!

Devin is 13 years old and developing an elite skillset in his age group, and a mindset to match.

Devin’s natural talent is matched by his passion to train and improve his athletic abilities. During player development training Devin keeps a great attitude, solid presence and is respected by the other athletes around him.

Whether he is completing a set of pull-ups, getting a new Personal Best or smashing balls on the HitTrax, there is no doubt Devin’s approach, and hard work has shot him up the leaderboards and given him an advantage on the diamond.

“Thinking there is improvement is not effective from a KD training standpoint. RESULTS MATTER. Player improvement through objective evaluation using today’s sports science methods is effective.” Dan Stutzman

CHECKOUT some of Devin’s results and get to know him a little. We have and think he’s great!

“The reason I decided to come train at KD is I wanted to improve as an athlete and to learn skills that I do now like discipline, hard work, and mainly how to make work fun”Devin Phillips

Summer Ball Stats

  • AVG – .693
  • OBP – .736
  • OPS – 2.442
  • SLG – 1.707
  • SB’s – 14
  • HR’s – 21
  • RBI’s – 41
  • R’s – 48
  • BB’s – 10
  • SB % – 100%

“The Performance Improvement portion of KD helped me become stronger and more agile than before. The workouts and training are baseball related, but in the Performance Improvement part they become about being a better athlete. I feel it was beneficial to do the things we did in the Performance Improvement training because it made me a better athlete to pursue other sports like Football and Basketball”Devin Phillips

Cooperstown Stats

  • AVG – .778
  • OBP – .800
  • OPS – 3.078
  • SLG – 2.278
  • R’s – 12
  • BB’s – 2
  • H’s – 14
  • HR’s – 9
  • RBI’s – 16

“I would definitely recommend KD to others. It has helped me become more athletic and to improve the skills I never knew I had. It has helped me with my confidence as well and, it’s not just a facility, it’s a family. The relationships I’ve built with Troy, Cody, Zach, and other athletes is tremendous” – Devin Phillips

Kinetic Drive has been great for Devin. He has grown both physically and mentally. He enjoys the comradery as well as the training. It’s been a huge part of his success.

I have been able to recommend it to a few parents who are now in the program and I will continue to do so.

Brandon Phillips – Dad

We love seeing you grow both on and off the field Devin, and we can’t wait to see the great things you accomplish!

The KD Player Development Team

How Can We Help

Kinetic Drive’s training programs place performance-improvement training and skills training together in a purpose-driven way. 

All Kinetic Drive lessons, Player Development Program, other programs (VELO, SMASH, SPEED, POWER), camps and clinics are designed to share and train each athlete using today’s sports science methods.

Pairing Kinetic Drive’s cutting-edge technology available at hand, allows us to uniquely train each athlete, which other training facilities may not be equipped to handle. 

Train With Kinetic Drive:

Find out why Kinetic Drive programs are tailored towards the modern athlete and how training with us can help steer you away from unneeded obstacles in your athletic journey.