Allison is a wonderful player to coach. She gives full effort every time she comes in and works hard to perfect what ever is being asked of her. 

We have had the pleasure of watching her grow on and off the field into a wonderful young leader. When she first came to us, new to the area, she was quiet and though she had played before, she was willing to do what ever was asked. Two years later, she has become part of the family. She has the same work ethic but is now able to understand more about how her body is moving. With this understanding we have been able to delve deeper into the precise movements of whatever we are working on.

Allison is a player that works hard on and off the field. When she was in a hitting slump at the end of season, she acknowledged to her mom that she needed some extra cage time. They got in here and we worked hard for a few sessions. In the playoffs, she hit in winning runs, and had a post season batting average over .600

We are proud to be part of Allison’s athletic journey and look forward to seeing her grow on and off the field.

“Thinking there is improvement is not effective from a KD training standpoint. RESULTS MATTER. Player improvement through objective evaluation using today’s sports science methods is effective.” Dan Stutzman

CHECKOUT some of Allison’s results and get to know her a little. We have and think she’s great!

“I chose to come to Kinetic Drive because I wanted to improve my skills during the off-season and to gain confidence”Allison Neel

2022 School Ball Average:

Belmont M.S.


“During training with Kinetic Drive, I believe I’ve learned a lot about how important it is to have certain abilities in hitting and fielding”Allison Neel

In House Training Numbers

March 2022

  • Batting Average: .315
  • Average Velocity: 34.6 mph
  • Max velocity: 48.3 mph
  • Max Distance: 99 feet

October 2022

  • Batting Average: .533
  • Average Velocity: 41.9 mph
  • Max Velocity: 55 mph
  • Max Distance: 137 feet

Great Job on Improvement:

  • Batting Average: +.218
  • Average Velocity: +7.3 mph
  • Max Velocity: +6.7 mph
  • Max Distance: +38 feet

“I would recommend Kinetic Drive to other athletes because the environment is super great for learning and growing. The people are amazing at their jobs and create a wonderful place to work hard. They’ve shown me how to be confident in hitting, consistent in fielding, and keep me growing” – Allison Neel

We are so thankful to be a part of Kinetic Drive, not only for the skills Allison has learned but also for the confidence she has gained as an athlete. We have met some very special and talented trainers at Kinetic Drive, and they have not only been supportive of Allison during her training sessions but they have also shown support outside their four walls. The trainers support these athletics as if they were their own.  We could not be happier to be a part of Kinetic Drive.

If you have a child who wants to learn softball, or if you have an experienced player who wants to gain skills and strength, Kinetic Drive will support you and your child’s goals. We highly recommend Kinetic Drive!

Jeanne Neel – Mom

We love seeing you grow both on and off the field Allison, and we can’t wait to see the great things you accomplish!

The KD Player Development Team

How Can We Help

Kinetic Drive’s training programs place performance-improvement training and skills training together in a purpose-driven way. 

All Kinetic Drive lessons, Player Development Program, other programs (VELO, SMASH, SPEED, POWER), camps and clinics are designed to share and train each athlete using today’s sports science methods.

Pairing Kinetic Drive’s cutting-edge technology available at hand, allows us to uniquely train each athlete, which other training facilities may not be equipped to handle. 

Train With Kinetic Drive:

Find out why Kinetic Drive programs are tailored towards the modern athlete and how training with us can help steer you away from unneeded obstacles in your athletic journey.